
Naturally different from each other, but with common denominators: premium bottle and packaging, high quality, distinct complexity, and vibrant personality. Wines that honor the glorious history of Setúbal Moscatels.

Serra Mãe

In the vineyards, the climatic influence of the Serra da Arrábida is enormous, decisively contributing to the balanced ripening of the grapes we harvest.


Botelharia Branco was considered the best white wine in the Setúbal Peninsula by Robert Parker Wine Advocate (93pts).

Grande Reserva

Only the best wines, from the finest vineyard plots, are candidates for Grand Reserve.

Terras do Sado

The Sado River is the most important river in the wine region of the Setúbal Peninsula, boasting a unique ecosystem that harbors an enormous diversity of natural life. In its estuary, lives the largest community of bottlenose dolphins in Europe.
